Cookshack Beer Brats
We took delicious brats and made them even better by following this recipe to make Cookshack Beer Brats. We also made a few hot dogs to celebrate National Hot Dog Month in July. These brats would also be great for the upcoming 4th of July weekend! We used the PG1000 for this recipe, but you can use any grill and adjust the cooking time accordingly.
Put brats in pan with enough beer to cover them (2-3 cans) with half a diced onion and a few sprinkles of Cookshack Spicy Chicken Rub and boil for about 10-12 minutes. Set PG at 400°F.
Remove brats from pan and place on direct side of grill for about 2 minutes on each side then move to the indirect side and let smoke for about 15 minutes.
Top with your favorite condiments and enjoy!