Forbes Writer Features Cookshack!

Recently, Larry Olmsted, contributor for released a testimonial about pellet grills and the Fast Eddy’s by Cookshack PG line!

One thing Cookshack loves about these grills is the ease of use. Even Olmsted said:

“The idiot-proof nature of pellet cookers seems almost unfair – it makes great BBQ almost too easy. There’s no lighting the fire, no constant checking of the thermometer and refueling and adjusting air vents while the desired temperature rises and falls outside the ideal range. It’s simply turn on and set, leaving the cook to focus on the meat, seasoning and sides.”

Olmsted wrote this article as part of a Father’s Day series to help find great gifts for that special man in your life this year, or any year! Check out the rest of the article for more great information on pellet grills.

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